1.241 | March 20, 2024 | Export media in original size, enhanced preview in static mode, heat map calculations, color-coded gaze plots. |
1.232 | November 15, 2023 | Video containers to the ASP project type, improvements to the flexibility of ASP, replay shows tracks for the audio recordings. |
1.217 | May 10, 2023 | Launched advance screen, dynamic visualizations, create project update, event search bar. |
1.207 | November 23, 2022 | Metrics Visualizations Tab, Added filters, Better UX, Improved Media handling, Reference export help, Tobii Pro Glasses 3 events from the Controller, New feedback button. |
1.194 | June 9, 2022 | Eye Openness, TTL, Replay, Metrics visualizations, Metrics export, |
1.181 | November 24, 2021 | Text element, Infant calibration, Metrics visualizations, Metrics export |
1.171 | July 7, 2021 | Infant calibration, Text stimulus, Custom Times of Interest, AOI Reading Metrics, Bin your data, Metrics and data export, |
1.162 | March 3, 2021 | Project overview, calibration, Adjust the data loss reset, Design - Instruction element, Design - Text element, AOI tool, Metrics - Data selection, Metrics - Updated AOI click metrics, Custom TOI, Custom Web TOI, |
1.152 | October 15, 2020 | Glasses project, Design - Ability to adjust the data loss reset, Screen-based eye tracker calibration, Web stimulus, New event-based export, Select metadata in new general section. |
1.145 | July 8, 2020 | Glasses project, Rename or remove projects, Design - Use the Advance on gaze option, Design - Set your desired presentation screen, Record, Replay, New AOI based export format, Screenshot capture |
1.142 | May 27, 2020 | Faster metrics and data exports, Collapsible sections, Back up the project, Data export, Recorder, Web stimulus, Recording stimulus, Scene camera projects, External presenter projects, |
1.138 | March 31, 2020 | Share coding data, Participant camera and microphone, Replay, Data mapping, Web stimulus, Fixation filter |