
Customer story

Enhancing retail media effectiveness

How Family Mart and Gate One Inc. used eye tracking to optimize in-store engagement.

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Family Mart is changing the game in retail media with Family Mart Vision, a dynamic digital signage system that captures attention and drives sales. And now, with the help of cutting-edge eye tracking technology from Gate One Inc., they’re taking it to the next level by decoding exactly what catches customers’ eyes and keeps them engaged.

The power of eye tracking in retail media

"Retail media" is the new buzzword in the industry, with the big three convenience store chains in Japan battling it out for consumer attention. Leading the pack, Family Mart has rolled out Family Mart Vision — a three-screen digital signage system strategically positioned above checkout counters. This system doesn’t just display product ads; it creates a unique in-store atmosphere with original "programs" that mix entertainment, artist information, and highlights of Family Mart’s exclusive products. And the results speak for themselves: stores equipped with Family Mart Vision have seen a noticeable bump in sales.

But Family Mart isn't stopping there. They’ve partnered with Gate One Inc. to delve deeper into how people interact with these screens. By combining survey data from the Famipay app with AI camera analysis, they’ve been capturing what they call “consciousness change data”— shifts in customer attention and purchase intent. Now, they’re adding another powerful tool to the mix: eye tracking.

Cracking the code: How screen patterns influence attention

Family Mart Vision screens can be configured in four distinct ways:

  1. A dynamic video spreads across all three screens.
  2. A still image in the center with videos on both sides.
  3. Still images on all screens.
  4. The same video displayed on each screen.

Previous data already hinted at different impacts from each layout, but to get a clearer picture, Gate One Inc. turned to eye tracking. The goal? To see exactly where customers’ eyes land, how they move, and what keeps them locked in.

Eye tracking survey: Unlocking viewer behavior with Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Gate One Inc. conducted an eye tracking study using Tobii Pro Glasses 3, a state-of-the-art wearable eye tracker, to gain deeper insights into how viewers engage with different types of content. The study involved 98 participants — both men and women ranging from their 20s to 50s —who were asked to view 12 different creative displays. Conducted over a two-day period, the survey captured precise data on where participants looked, how long they focused, and what elements drew their attention the most.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 - man looking at subway ads

Key insights: What really grabs attention

The eye tracking study revealed some fascinating patterns. Unsurprisingly, the center screen tends to pull in the most attention, especially when there’s movement. In the initial seconds, viewers scan all three screens to get a sense of what’s happening. Typically, the gaze starts on the middle screen, darts to moving elements, and then settles on the most dynamic parts.

These insights are a game-changer for creative content production. By understanding how eyes move across the screens, Family Mart and Gate One Inc. can craft more effective content that aligns with these natural viewing patterns. This data-driven approach is already helping them create smarter, more engaging ads and programs.

Gate-one case study

Looking ahead: The future of eye tracking in retail 

Adding eye tracking data to the mix of "consciousness change data" provides an even more powerful set of tools to understand and influence customer behavior. Gate One Inc. sees huge potential here, especially in integrating this data with AI cameras to track how customers' gazes move from signage screens to the products in the store.

The eye tracking survey was a breakthrough. It gave us hard data on what works and what doesn’t, moving beyond intuition to actionable insights. Our clients are thrilled with the results, which can be used to power the next stage of our research."
Yuki Kimura, a planner in the Customer & Market Knowledge Department at Gate One Inc.

With these advancements, Family Mart Vision isn’t just showing ads — it’s mastering the art of visual engagement and setting new standards for retail media in the process.

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    5 min

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