Children reading books

Customer story

Using AI to close the literacy gap

A success story by Lexplore and Tobii

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Reading is an essential element of primary education. Unfortunately, the traditional screening and analysis processes designed to detect reading difficulties are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Leaving some kids fall to through the net. To address this issue, Lexplore has used AI and attention computing technologies to transform reading assessment into a rapid PC-based solution that frees up teacher time for remediation and follow-up — helping to close the literacy gap. 

In this success story, we cover the journey from research and innovation to commercialization of EdTech startup BrainLeap Technologies, and how they have leveraged scientific findings in their game-based attention training solution.

About Lexplore 

In 2015, Lexplore launched its evidence-based assessment tool that relies on Tobii’s eye tracking technology to gauge reading literacy among schoolchildren. Lexplore is a privately owned Swedish company headquartered in Stockholm — a European hotbed of tech startups, innovative ventures, and well-established engineering companies. Currently in scale-up mode, Lexplore are expanding to many additional locations across the globe.  

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    7 min

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Discover how Lexplore has systematized reading-assessment research findings to build an AI solution with Tobii that translates gaze into reading skills.

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