Live web pages
Discover hidden usability problems and flow blockers on your web pages.
Tobii UX Reveal combines key attention markers and measurements to show how your website, prototype, or video performs in front of real users.
Tobii UX Reveal is a cloud-based tool that pairs with an eye tracker to explore whether your user experience is working, and how you can take it to the next level. Design bespoke studies to test your web usability and creative designs on real people in real time.
More conversions
Time and cost savings
Higher trust
Positive brand recognition
Discover hidden usability problems and flow blockers on your web pages.
Test pages still in development or specific areas in a controlled environment.
Optimize the navigation, look, and ease of your software application.
Tobii UX Reveal combines attention computing methodologies like eye tracking, mouse data, scroll maps, and voice recordings with user surveys and qualitative feedback. We top it off with a powerful analysis and collaboration interface for extracting insights and sharing data onward.
Eye tracking
Recording of high-quality infrared eye tracking or webcam-based eye tracking. Gaze visualizations, such as heatmaps or gaze plots. Aggregated user data for fast insights.
Mouse data and scroll maps
Analysis of user interactions based on mouse movements, clicks and touch events. Creation of scroll maps and visualization of the fold.
Voice recordings
Perfect for Thinking-Aloud. Gain deep insights into the thought-process of your participants. Fast access to the recordings on a pre-structured timeline.
Data analysis
Analysis based on Areas of Interests. Calculate AOI measures for gaze and mouse data. Analyze aggregated user data on screenshots. Numerical information on task processing times, dwell times, success rates.
Receive user feedback with questionnaire elements such as open questions, ratings, and multiple choice.
Share and export results
Links for sharing recordings in an interactive presentation. Generation of a template for an evaluation report. Data export for advanced analysis in other tools.
Create a new test using the online portal and design your study for live sites, web applications, videos, or images.
Invite participants locally or remotely.
Open the participant software and record the screen, high-quality infrared or webcam-based eye tracking data, voices, mouse data, and survey feedback.
Moderate the data collection locally or conduct remotely.
Access visualizations like heatmaps, scan paths, scroll maps, and clicks.
Gain valuable insights with AOIs, success rate, and other behavioral metrics.
Collaborate with colleagues and share results easily.
Tobii UX Reveal computes the data and provides you with visualizations that make sense to you and your stakeholders. Examine the insights and share them seamlessly with your team.
Visual gaze, mouse data, and scroll data.
Data visualization and analysis as screenshots or screen casts.
Create AOIs and calculate gaze or mouse measures.
Export the visualizations or share using a link.
Replay user data individually or altogether.
Fill out the form to get in touch with one of our team!
Register for a 3-week free trial.
In this sample report, you’ll see data and insights from a range of UX studies focusing on mobile app design, web design, prototype testing, and in-store navigation.
Eye tracking isn’t for every UX question, but for those it answers, it does so in a way no other method can. A great user experience is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s an expectation from customers.
Two experts share how they are using eye tracking and attention metrics to revolutionize financial report engagement.