Tobii The search for the why

Research and reports

The search for ‘why?’

Your guide to understanding consumer behavior with eye tracking

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  • Read time

    6 min

Guide information

You may know what your consumers are doing, but it is another thing to figure out why. In this guide we explore how eye tracking provides a unique and unparalleled perspective into the psychology of your consumers. 

You will learn: 

  • How to better understand and influence the path-to-purchase 
  • How you can improve ROI at every stage - whether it’s attracting attention, streamlining shopper reasoning, or influencing decision-making. 
  • The ways you can stay ahead in the ever-changing, competitive world of retail. 

Download the guide to find out how eye tracking reveals why your consumers behave in the ways they do, and how you can optimize your shopper experience.

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Resource Details

  • Written by


  • Read time

    6 min

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